The title Pakubuwono XIII represents the thirteenth Susuhunan (ruler of Surakarta); it previously has two claimants. Upon the death of Pakubuwono XII with no clear heir as there was no official Queen installed, two half-brothers who are sons of Pakubuwono XII claimed the throne. The older, Hangabehi, took control of the kraton (palace) and expelled his younger half-brother Tejowulan; each had himself crowned, and they held separate tomb-sealing rituals for their father. However, family consensus has now fully acknowledge and declared that Hangabehi is the rightful heir and is now titled SISKS Pakubuwono XIII. In 18–19 July 2009 there was a ceremony in the kraton where the enthronement anniversary was conducted with the sacred Bedoyo Dance performed especially for the ceremony. The attendees consists of various local and foreign dignitaries as well as Hangebehi half brother Tejowulan.
"In a Sultanate Known as Solo, One Too Many Kings," NY Times Feb. 17, 2008, by Seth Mydans